What is an at Large Player?
At Large Players are those youth soccer players who, for various reasons, cannot be rostered through a specific club or team. May be due to relocation during the season or maybe they missed tryouts. Players can register directly through the Kansas Youth Soccer that will make them eligible to be a registered US Youth Soccer player to participate with any club team in all sanctioned games and events
Previously played with a Kansas Youth Soccer Club?
More than likely your youth player already has a Got Sport Player Account. You should contact your previous club for your username or email smctighe@kansasyouthsoccer.org and provide the player’s first/last name and date of birth.
Please DO NOT set up a new account as this creates a duplicate account in the system.
New Player to Kansas Youth Soccer?
If you HAVE NOT played with a Kansas registered club in the past then please create a new Got Sport account by clicking the Got Sport logo below.
Once you complete the entire process and enter all the information on the player, you will be prompted to submit a payment for the registration.
At Large Registration Fee: $100.00 per player per seasonal year
Once payment and registration have been submitted, download the USYS Medical Release Form and after completion of the form please upload the documents under your player’s Got Sport profile “Documents” tab, along WITH proof of age documentation (birth certificate, passport, drivers license, or any government identification).
You may contact Gillian Boehmer for assistance.
Kansas Youth Soccer Office
10529 South Warwick St.
Olathe, KS 66061
When all documents and registration have been received we will process the card and email you regarding pick up.
PLEASE NOTE: KSYSA will not be placing you on a team after submitting registration. We offer this so you may contact the club you may be interested in playing with to say you are a registered US Youth Soccer player in Kansas for the seasonal year.
Click the Got Sport Logo to Begin the Application
Sarah McTighe Director of Membership & Events KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER smctighe@kansasyouthsoccer.org | Gillian Boehmer Coordinator of Marketing & Membership KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER gboehmer@kansasyouthsoccer.org |