Form filled out for any Kansas players wishing to be released from a competitive club contract during the seasonal year and the process it entails. Click link above for more information.
Required for any Kansas resident players wishing to play for a club registering in another state.
Required to be filled out for all players EVERY seasonal year.
Se debe completar para todos los jugadores CADA año de temporada.
Required for players requesting permission to play with another state association other than the state in which they reside. Also for players moving to a new state within a seasonal year.
Required for any players wishing to play for two or more teams during a seasonal year that is outside the players primary club. Form is sent to each clubs registrars for documentation.
Players complete this form to get permission to attend another clubs practice or tryout as to not violate any KSYSA Rules for the club actually hosting the trial.
Sarah McTighe Director of Membership & Events smctighe@kansasyouthsoccer.org | Gillian Boehmer Coordinator of Marketing & Membership gboehmer@kansasyouthsoccer.org |