Since August 2016, NO Competitive Roster may exceed the maximum roster limit for the specific age levels except as noted below:
Below are the updated Roster Size Limits that will be implemented for every seasonal year to come.
Playing Format | Age Level | Roster Maximum |
4 v 4 | Under 6, 7, & 8 | 6 |
7 v 7 | Under 9 & 10 | 14 |
9 v 9 | Under 11 & 12 | 16 |
11 v 11 | Under 13 & Abover | 22 |
Kansas Youth Soccer shall allow teams participating in Midwest Conference and National League to register the number of players as permitted by those leagues.
Should you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the KSYSA State Office.
Sarah McTighe Director of Membership & Events KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER smctighe@kansasyouthsoccer.org | Gillian Boehmer Coordinator of Marketing & Membership KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER gboehmer@kansasyouthsoccer.org |