Kansas Youth Soccer offers numerous benefits to its members that expand beyond just the club. We want to help your organization provide the best soccer services to your community. There are opportunities for clubs, coaches, and players to benefit with membership of our association. Review the information below to review benefits of becoming a member of Kansas Youth Soccer and join us today!
Kansas Youth Soccer provides a variety of opportunities for continuing education and development for coaches from youth recreational to the highest level of coaching license.

Kansas Youth Soccer has a direct relationship with Kansas State Referee Development Program that hosts educational opportunities, mentorship programming and event opportunities for everyone from new referees beginning their journey to referees who have already made their mark on the game but are looking to continue to improve their development.

As a member benefit, Kansas Youth Soccer requires all adult members (coaches, board members, club administrators, team managers and referees) that are 18 years or older and working with an organization to submit a background check every two years.
Additionally, Kansas Youth Soccer requires all adult members (coaches, board members, club administrators, team managers and referees) that are 18 years or older and working with an organization to complete sexual abuse training in compliance with the Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017.
The secondary insurance policy for players, facility insurance for the club, directors and officer liability for all directors, officers, coaches, employees, team officials and volunteers to provide a general liability policy as well as an accident policy to its members.
For more information on the insurance policy including detailed coverage information, how to submit a claim, etc. CLICK HERE
U.S. Soccer has developed the Safe Soccer Framework as a foundation from which all participants in the soccer community, be they athletes, coaches, referees, administrators or volunteers, play an active role in creating an environment free from emotional, physical or sexual abuse. The Safe Soccer Framework is a comprehensive program of policies and process, screening, education and training, reporting, monitoring and enforcement designed to help participants detect and report abuse, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences.

Kansas Youth Soccer currently serves over 30,000 members in the soccer community across the state and we are growing everyday. Whether you are looking for a quick, effective means of reaching Kansas soccer households or if you want to establish a long-term, comprehensive marketing relationship, Kansas Youth Soccer has many levels of customizable marketing and sponsorship opportunities to fit your needs.
Kansas Youth Soccer is an organization dedicated to serving members of the Kansas soccer community. We can offer organizations that wish to start a league or a club help with their organizational efforts as well as, playing format, coaching and coaching education, participation in the Olympic Development Programs, Camps and State tournaments. We can also assist organizations in other areas relative to youth soccer and non profit association management. We would be pleased to speak to anyone from your organization about how we can assist you in becoming a member of one of the largest youth soccer organizations in the United States.
If you have questions, please contact: