U.S. Center for SafeSport
On February 14, 2018, (S.534) was signed into federal law. Click Here for the U.S. Center for SafesSport’s fact sheet and about the legislation.
Online awareness/prevention training is available and consists of three (3) training modules which include:
- Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Education
- Mandatory Reporting
- Emotional and Physical Misconduct
All KSYSA Referees (18 years or older) working youth games of any type in the state of Kansas must login or register online with Got Sport account each seasonal year and make sure you have completed a background check and SafeSport Certification completed for the upcoming season.
If you do not complete the background check & SafeSport Certification, you will NOT be considered for approval as a KSYSA Referee working youth games. The information that you provide to Got Sport Registration and Risk Management is stored on a secure server and will only be visible to the Risk Management Staff at Kansas Youth Soccer.
The cost for background checks is $20 bi-annually (September 1 to August 31).
The SafeSport Training Courses is FREE of charge if you follow the instructions below. It is an ANNUAL renewal for you to complete! You should NEVER have to pay for SafeSport so if it ask fo you to do so then you are doing it incorrectly.
If you have previously completed a background check in the old Got Soccer system and it has yet to expire then all you have to do is click the link below to register a NEW Got Sport account. Please use the same email for your Got Sport account that you used in the Got Soccer legacy system. Doing this will then have your background check connect to your new account if done correctly after 24 hours.
If you have previously completed SafeSport Certification, log in through your account in the US Soccer Learning Center, scroll down and select “Referee Program”, the click in the upper right on your name and select “Profile”. Once on your profle page, scroll down and see the prompts to complete your SafeSport Certification renewal requirements.
If you do not know your Got Sport or SafeSport information the system will resend it to you via the email the account it was under. If you no longer use that email address then contact Gordie Wetmore to have him update your Got Sport account or contact SafeSport for assistance.
Other questions email Gordie Wetmore, Director of Referee Development at gwetmore@kansasyouthsoccer.org.
If you are new to Kansas Youth Soccer, you will need to set up a Kansas Got Sport account and be sure to list Kansas as your State location.
If you are new to Kansas Youth Soccer, you will need to set up a Kansas Got Sport account and be sure to list Kansas as your State location.
If you completed a background check or SafeSport as a coach, team manager or board member through your current club, then this information will be linked to all the other roles you may have in your club. You will still need to complete this to add the role of Referee to your Got Sport account.
For Example: A coach who is also a referee will be able to use one single Got Sport account and have roles as a coach and a referee linked to it. No more multiple accounts for multiple positions you may have within youth soccer.
Create/Log In to your Referee GotSport Account by clicking below:
For assistance in further documenting, locating an appropriate state agency and/or issues reporting to law enforcement, the U.S. Center for SafeSport or U.S. Soccer can help locate resources.
- U.S. Center for SafeSport
- SafeSport Reporting Form
- Reporting Line: 720-531-0340
- Hotline (not ready to report): 866-220-0796
- U.S. Soccer
- U.S. Soccer’s Integrity Hotline Form
- Integrity Hotline: 312-528-7004
- Safe Soccer FAQs
For questions, please contact the State Office via the emails below.
Background Check Questions Chris Campbell Risk Management Chair KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER riskmgmt@kansasyouthsoccer.org | Risk Management Committee Joe Burger Executive Director KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER jburger@kansasyouthsoccer.org | Referee Questions Gordie Wetmore Director of Referee Development KANSAS YOUTH SOCCER gwetmore@kansasyouthsoccer.org |